To Make A Difference
In the Lives That
Need It Most.

Our Mission:

People of color are disproportionately suffering from preventable diseases and chronic illnesses.

However, the staggering statistics have widely been ignored by the health industry.

As members of the community we serve, we vow to remain fearlessly bold and transparent
in our mission.

Lum is the health & wellness brand that’s been built just for us.

“As a seasoned nurse, I witnessed the staggering health disparities amongst people of color versus their counterparts on a daily basis. The chronic and preventable illnesses that plague my community motivated me to explore what more I could do to help. And albeit a labor of love, my role as a hands-on healthcare professional left me feeling constricted. So with my knowledge, expertise, and above all, my passion, I created Lum for the people that need it most.

Lum - short for illuminate - shines light on a healthier lifestyle that’s attainable for people of color. It’s the only health and wellness brand that’s built to bridge our health gap.”

Wenyanna Jefferson, Founder & CEO